How to Hide Birthday on Twitter in 2024?

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How to Hide Birthday on Twitter

One reason to consider hiding your birthday on Twitter in 2021 is to not risk identity theft or fraud done through your details. To not compromise cyber security in the midst of trying to put yourself out into the digital world, there are thankfully some things we can do to attain control.

One of the realms of a digital world is Twitter, and one way to guard your safety there is to hide your birthday on Twitter.

Does your birthday show on Twitter?

Yes, it does. Until and unless you make sure your settings either hide the total information or let some parts into the display, your birthday shows on Twitter.

Then what do you do if you want to fit your settings in one of the above-mentioned ways?

How to Hide Birthday on Twitter in 2021?

You have the option of hiding/ removing your birthdate completely or allowing a certain portion of it to be visible. You are more in control of your information being put out into the world this way. Just because you need this information to create your account doesn’t mean the world needs to know all the details about it.

Removing my birthdate completely

1. Log in to your Twitter account.

2. Go to your profile and head to Edit Profile

3. Click Edit which is next to Birth date, and then click ‘Remove birth date‘.

4. Click Remove and then click Save.


  1. In the app itself, you can tap “Birth date” to edit your information, and you tap Done, and then tap Save to confirm your changes.
  2. To remove your birth date using a web browser, you will have to change the Date/ Month/ Year values to its default setting and then save it.

Visibility settings

Twitter settings allow you to decide which part of your details is to be visible. So, apply the following steps to decide what will be visible to whom.

The rules are still the same while you edit your visibility setting until your birthdate: In the App – tap “Birthdate” to edit your information, tap Done, and then Save.

You follow the same steps as you would if you were to remove your birthdate, but you apply different changes from this point forward.

After you’ve updated your birth date:

1. Click a visibility icon if you are on a web browser, or Who sees this if you are using the Twitter app.

2. Set Month and day and Year to either Public, Your followers, People you follow, You follow each other, and Only You.

It is recommended to keep your birth year to only you if you do not wish to completely remove your birth date.

How many times can you change your birthday on Twitter?

Twitter hasn’t stated an exact number, but it says that you can change your birthday only a few times. You need to be careful while changing your birthdate for the second or third time, or else your account could be locked.

Why does Twitter use your birthdate in the first place?

Other than keeping the record in a way you’d register yourself anywhere else, Twitter uses your birth date to ensure that you are old enough to use its services.

One more thing is that this piece of information is utilized to show you content that might be more relevant to you, upgrading your Twitter experience too.


Hiding your birthday on Twitter has to be one of the simplest but most effective ways to protect yourself digitally.

Your information can be indexed by Google and be visible to third parties trying to find something that you might have talked about. Or worse, someone might pose themselves to be you and spread false information too.

That is why you need to maintain your profile’s security beginning with the most basic information about you like your birth details. These tiny details can take the shape of identity theft and fraud, and technically, the blame might fall under your name.

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How to Hide Likes on Twitter in 2021?

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