How to Automatically Assign Roles in Discord?

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Bots are often times a mandatory element while using Discord. It is a tool that assists you to complete a task that cannot be done alone with discord’s built-in features. Out of many bots, there is a specific kind that automatically assigns roles in discord. Automated assignment of roles is something that is not possible with in-built features on Discord.

Roles are an essential system to maintain hierarchy in a server. Allowing certain members to perform activities within the servers will help maintain authority in the server, which in long run is a key to a smooth operation. If you are running a small server, this feature might seem like a burden but if your plan is to grow the server this might come in handy for you.

Even if you are receiving just a few requests to join your server every day, it is difficult to assign each newcomer with specific permissions. However, you can instruct bots to welcome newcomers in your place. In this article, we will look into details on how to automatically assign roles in discord using bots.

Quick Summary

To automatically assign roles on Discord, download the MEE6 Bot and select the server then authorize the setup. Under 'Server Management' tap 'Welcome'. Toggle on the button for 'Give a role to new users'. Add the roles to give and hit 'Save'.

How to Automatically Assign Roles in Discord?

As mentioned earlier, bots are tools that will help you automatically assign roles in discord. There are many active bots used for this specific purpose such as MEE6, DYNO, CARL BOT, and YAYPDB. Out of all bots here, we will learn in detail about one of the most used bots: MEEE6.

MEE6 Bot

MEE6 Bot has a range of features to decide what roles you want to give to the newcomers. Most of the bots available to help automatically assign roles in discord have limited features. They are only catered for new users entering your server, however, by changing to the premium version you can have unlimited features as well.

MEE6 Bot is a completely safe bot to be used to assign roles to the users automatically. Following this topic, we will learn how to set up the MEE6 Bot and instruct it to assign roles in your server.

Setup MEE6 Bot

The first step to using the MEE6 bot is to set up the bot in your server. You can follow the steps below to learn the full process:

1. Go to the official website for MEE6 Bot.
2. Tap ‘Add to Discord‘.
How to Automatically Assign Roles in Discord?
3. ‘Login‘ your Discord account.
How to Automatically Assign Roles in Discord?
4. ‘Authorise‘ and select a server by clicking ‘Setup‘.
How to Automatically Assign Roles in Discord?
5. Click ‘Continue‘ and ‘Authorise‘ the bot permission.
How to Automatically Assign Roles in Discord?
6. Solve the CAPTCHA by check-marking the ‘I am human‘ box.
How to Automatically Assign Roles in Discord?

You will be directed to the MEE6 bot dashboard that has been integrated with your server.

How to Automatically Assign Roles in Discord?

If you open your Discord account and go to your server, you will see that the MEE6 bot has entered your server.

How to Automatically Assign Roles in Discord?

The setup process has now been completed and you can begin the process of automatically assigning roles to the new users.

Auto Assign Roles Using MEE6 Bot

Once the setup for the MEE6 bot has been completed you can automatically assign roles in discord by following the steps below. You have to follow the steps in the MEE6 dashboard.

1. Under ‘Server Management‘, select ‘Welcome‘.
How to Automatically Assign Roles in Discord?
2. Enable ‘Give a role to new users‘.
How to Automatically Assign Roles in Discord?
3. Click on the ‘+‘ icon under ‘Roles to give‘.
How to Automatically Assign Roles in Discord?
4. Select a role from the option or create a new role.
How to Automatically Assign Roles in Discord?

To learn how to create roles in discord you can read: How to Add Roles in Discord?

5. After selecting the role, click ‘Save‘.
How to Automatically Assign Roles in Discord?

Thus, a new role will be added which will have all the permission given to the role you selected. To see the permission you can go to Server Settings>Roles on discord.

How to Automatically Assign Roles in Discord?

In this way, you can automatically assign roles in discord to new users for your server using MEE6 bot.


Granting permission and assigning new roles on a daily basis can take up a lot of your time. If you let bots automatically assign roles in discord, you can shift your time to manage the server instead. This will take one burden off your shoulder since bots are a reliable means to grant permissions. In this article, we learned how to set up and use a popular bot: MEE6. You can check out other bots mentioned in the article as well. We hope this was a helpful article. Let us know if you have any queries.

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